The sun, heat from styling, bad habits and unhealthy eating can all lead to distressed and damaged hair.

Check out these great tips to ensure your hair feels and looks loved, and stays sleek and shiny all summer long.

  • Try not to wash your hair everyday – this can rob your scalp of the natural oils that hair needs to stay healthy, leaving you with dry & brittle locks. Use a little dry shampoo on the days you don’t wash it – or better still give your tresses a full day off!
  • Choose your shampoo & conditioner wisely, we all spend time reading the back of food packaging labels to see what we’re putting into our bodies, so it’s good to check what we’re putting on our hair too. We greatly recommend Kerastase ‘Bain Therapiste’ (a strengthening balm-in shampoo), and Kerastase ‘Masque Therapiste’ (an intense nourishing mask) for very damaged hair.
  • For super shiny hair rinse your conditioner with cold water – this helps seal your hair cuticles making the hair lie flatter against your scalp and resulting in a shinier appearance. For the best results apply conditioner only to the bottom two thirds of your hair. This will prevent it looking very greasy on the days you don’t wash it.
  • Treat your hair softly while it’s wet because it’s prone to breakage. Towel dry with a soft T-shirt rather than a towel and comb through gently with a wide-toothed comb rather than a brush.
  • Get your hair trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks to get rid of split ends. (Yes this is the only way to do it despite all the miracle cures you might see out there!) Split ends can damage the shaft of the hair all the way up to the follicle so it’s best to get rid of them with a visit to a salon and some professional scissors to avoid a frayed cut.
  • Eat well! We all know dieting is important for keeping our bodies healthy, but it’s also key in keeping our hair healthy too. Eggs, citrus fruits, leafy greens and nuts & seeds contain a variety of proteins, iron, vitamins and Omega 3 Fatty acids for strong, healthy locks.
  • If you see a lot of hair on the floor/your comb/your pillowcase – don’t worry! No matter how well cared for your hair is it is still natural to lose around 100-150 strands a day!

All in all, there are lots of things you can do to help your hair stay healthy and look lovely. If you feel like you’ve tried everything and there is nowhere left to turn, then never fear! Pop into the salon today for a Kerastase Fusio-dose treatment – a personalised consultation and unique treatment for your hair to get it looking and feeling amazing immediately!